Pension Advice – Will you have enough income when you retire?

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Pension Advice

While the prospect of retirement may be thrilling for some, it may make others uneasy. Why? It depends on how well you have prepared.

At present there are tax incentives on offer for pension planning, which everyone should take advantage of, including those few who are wealthy enough not to worry about their retirement income. Equity SMART set very high service standards and pride ourselves on building a very strong relationship with our clients. We're one of the UK's leading independent financial service providers and pension management specialists.

Our aim is to help investors make more of their savings & investments by providing them with all the support they need, from the first fact finding meeting, through the research & report process, to the presentation of our pension advice. This is carefully managed together with the support of the most up to date technology assisting us

Pension Advice

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Contact Us for Advice

As a business owner how are you preparing for the future? You may have considered selling your business at retirement and living off the proceeds, but what are the risks in seeing out this plan if your business fails, or the future value of your business does not provide the level of income you had planned for a comfortable retirement.

Income from state pensions is simply not enough to let you enjoy your retirement with the level of financial comfort you may be planning for that’s why joining a dedicated pension scheme or plan is highly advisable.

Why not take control of you future today and take advantage of the generous tax incentives on offer?

Although dividends on shares are taxed at 10% you will receive tax relief at the highest rate on the contributions you make and benefit from any profit from the money invested in your pension scheme being tax free.

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